Complete Transparency: Burns & McDonnell KCI HOMETOWN Team Releases Full Proposal to Public Following Presentation to Airport Selection Committee


Complete Transparency: Burns & McDonnell KCI HOMETOWN Team Releases Full Proposal to Public Following Presentation to Airport Selection Committee
08/14/2017 3 minute read

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Aug. 14, 2017) — The Burns & McDonnell KCI HOMETOWN Team made its final pitch to the Kansas City Airport Selection Committee today and afterward released the complete proposal package to the public.

“This process of renewing our hometown airport is immensely important to the people of Kansas City and we believe they have every right to review all the details of our proposal to the City,” said Ray Kowalik, chairman and CEO, Burns & McDonnell. “If we are fortunate enough to be selected, we will work with the City every step of the way to make sure Kansas Citians understand how the new KCI will be designed, built and financed.”

The KCI HOMETOWN Team proposal includes the following key elements:

  • Preferred alternative:
    • Proposal is based on the airlines’ preferred alternative, which includes 35 gates, 750,000 square feet and a 6,500-space parking garage.
  • Aggressive schedule: 
    • If approved by voters on Nov. 7, work can begin on new-terminal on Nov. 8, 2017.
    • Completion and in-service date in 2021. 
  • Competitive pricing: 
    • The annual commitment could be as low as $58 million; down significantly from the airlines’ maximum annual debt payment commitment of $85.2 million.
    • Final pricing will be determined based on detailed scope of the project as developed in conjunction with the City and the Airlines. 
  • Private financing:
    • An innovative privately-controlled financing plan could save more than $500 million, versus traditional public financing with Airport General Revenue bonds.
    • Much of the savings via private financing will be achieved by an aggressive construction schedule that could be shortened by up to 33 percent, versus public financing.
  • Added convenience:
    • Average distance from curbside to security will be reduced from 190 feet to 150 feet.
    • Security will process 180 passengers per hour versus the current 120 passengers per hour.
  • More amenities:
    • Restaurant space near secure boarding areas is quadrupled from 9,832 to 37,705 square feet.
    • More than five times as many restrooms per gate.
    • Three club areas (currently there are none).
  • Modernized gates:
    • All gates would be designed to accommodate new larger Boeing B-737-900 or Airbus A321 aircraft.
  • Minority and women-owned business opportunities:
    • Over a quarter-of-a-billion dollar in anticipated spend for minority and women-owned businesses.
    • To ensure local dollars stay in Kansas City, Burns & McDonnell and Americo have committed to spending more than $10 million of their own money to help build a diverse and local workforce and to ensure minority and women-owned business expansion. Programs include:
      • A community-based workforce expansion program in partnership with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City, Urban League of Greater Kansas City, and community groups, such as the AdHoc Group Against Crime.
      • An Enhanced Construction Technology Program in partnership with the Builders’ Association, the Greater Kansas City Building and Construction Trades Council and Manual Tech to create a pipeline of graduating seniors to commercial construction. 
      • A partnership with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority to develop a KC Rides Airport Express used to transport workers from the urban core to the airport at no cost. 
      • Partnership with Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business to bring an Ivy League education to Kansas City’s minority and women-owned businesses focused on capacity building.
      • Reduced or eliminated bonding requirements and quick-pay billing to promote local minority and women-owned business development. 

Kowalik led the presentation team in the final stage of a competitive bid process for a new single-terminal at Kansas City International Airport.

“Our number one export in Kansas City is architecture, engineering and construction. The KCI HOMETOWN Team represents the best of the best in the industry.” Kowalik said. “We are incredibly proud of what our KCI HOMETOWN Team presented today. It’s a plan to makes sure KCI is done right – by Kansas Citians who know what special characteristics it needs to reflect our City’s personality and continued Renaissance. This is about KC pride.”

To review the complete proposal package, go to:

About Burns & McDonnell

Burns & McDonnell is a Kansas City-based firm that’s been committed to the people and growth of our hometown since we were founded in 1898. The 3,000 employee-owners based in Kansas City actively volunteer within the community and have donated millions of dollars to causes that support our great city from United Way to Science City. We are made up of more than 5,700 engineers, architects, construction professionals, scientists, consultants and entrepreneurs with offices across the country and throughout the world. We strive to create amazing success for our clients and amazing careers for our employee-owners. Burns & McDonnell is 100 percent employee-owned and is proud to be No. 16 on Fortune’s 2017 list of 100 Best Companies to Work For.