Advanced Munitions Technology Complex

Our team provided prime architecture-engineering services and site development for an 18-building, 90,352-square-foot military research and development complex sited on the 100-acre High Explosive Research & Development (HERD) campus.

This new specialized research complex, called the Advanced Munitions Technology Complex (AMTC), integrates 18 facilities supporting seven research and development laboratories. These highly technical and specialized research and design facilities will develop nano-energetic/explosive technologies for the development, integration, rapid prototyping and fielding of advanced munitions for the U.S. Air Force. The AMTC includes:

  • Advanced Energetics Research Laboratory (AERL)
  • Revolutionary Ordnance Characterization Center (ROCC)
  • Complex for Agile Processing of Energetics (CAPE)
  • Building for Initiation and Reactive Systems Science and Technology (BIRSST) Research Laboratory
  • Advanced Dynamics Laboratory, 50 pounds (ADC-50)
  • Ordnance Science Innovation Center (OSIC)
  • 7-Bar Earth-Covered Magazine (ECM) Explosive Storage Facility


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District


Eglin Air Force Base, Florida




Federal & Military

Air Force & Air Force Reserve


Government, Military & Municipal

High-Tech Facility Design

Each facility contains specialized one-of-a-kind laboratory testing equipment that required detailed coordination and communication with HERD scientists to address concerns regarding vibration and explosive separation. The design required acoustical analysis and the mitigation of vibration from low-flying, low-frequency emitting aircraft, as well as sensitive equipment isolation and evaluating vibrations due to intentional detonations. This was achieved by using heavy mass walls and roof construction in the structure design. Additionally, various pieces of laboratory equipment required heavy mass foundations to prevent transmission of vibrations to adjacent laboratory spaces. Extremely sensitive equipment was isolated using environmentally controlled enclosures to mitigate vibration, acoustics and electromagnetic interference.

Site Development

We were responsible for complete design services to fully develop the campus, including a fire pump building. Site development consisted of design for a standard storage bunker and site improvements such as security perimeter fences, roads and parking lots. The existing water distribution system was expanded, and new fire hydrants were installed on the domestic water distribution system. Expansion of the domestic water distribution system included new water lines, valves and hydrants to provide exterior fire protection along with water service to each new facility. A new fire water distribution system provided fire protection at each facility within the HERD area. A hydraulic water model of the fire distribution system aided in the selection of the fire pump and sizing of the distribution main.

A new sanitary sewer collection system includes gravity sewer mains and manholes along with one additional lift station with accompanying force main. The sanitary sewer design for the main campus area consists of a new gravity sewer system with 8-inch diameter mains, 4- and 6-inch diameter gravity sewer laterals, cleanouts and precast concrete manholes. The new primary distribution system for the new facilities is underground.

Advanced Munitions Technology Complex