Automatic Circuit Recloser Program

Our team partnered with Pepco on its Automatic Circuit Recloser (ACR) Deployment Program. Starting in mid-2017, we managed the design and permitting of 500-plus project sites.

Starting in mid-2017, we managed the design and permitting of 500-plus project sites. Many factors combined to make this a great opportunity for a pilot program management (PgM) approach:

  • Large quantity of projects with small scopes
  • Job locations throughout Pepco territory
  • Economies of scale gained by mobilizing one team for many projects
  • Use of geospatial tools allows for coordination of a large and diverse group of stakeholders
  • Compressed execution schedule necessitated a bundled approach

This model allows for vendor-provided project management services, combining our tools, processes and resources with Pepco standards and best practices. With the support of Pepco’s internal resources, we provided:

  • Project management
  • Fault current study
  • Field data collection
  • Distribution design
  • Temporary traffic planning
  • Permitting support
  • Network communications coordination
  • Protection settings design

We provided coordination between a wide capacity of planning, system planning, system protection, SCADA, telecom, EMS, OMS, distribution engineering, construction standards and overhead construction. Our team excels at building and maintaining strong relationships, which, backed by detailed capture of notes and information, resulted in a much smoother integration into Pepco’s workflows and processes and allowed the large volume of work to be completed in a compressed schedule.


Potomac Electric Power Co. (Pepco)


Maryland and Washington, D.C.





GIS Research & Aspen Modeling

We exported existing information from Pepco’s GIS database to build an Aspen model of each distribution feeder affected by new recloser installations. Each Aspen model took into consideration conductors, transformers, reactors, protection devices including the proposed recloser(s) and any existing reclosers, fuses (150A and larger), feeder relays, and bus tie relay.

Fault Current Study & Recloser Sizing

Our team completed a fault current study to select recloser ratings and evaluate recloser installation locations. The output from this process was a spreadsheet showing fault current values at the proposed recloser and size of each new recloser.

Field Data Collection

Site visits confirmed feasibility of recloser locations. We established a web-hosted GIS map and associated database where all project information was collected and stored. Data collected while on site included pole class and height, visual condition assessment, pole attachments, attachment measurements, span measurements, and photos. Our team worked alongside MJ Electric, who performed construction readiness assessments.

Permit Preparation & Submission

We prepared and submitted applications for installation of reclosers to the local jurisdiction. Permit preparation included development of drawings and traffic control plans (TCPs), as required. TCPs depicted active work zones, lane closure information, sequencing of construction operations, required signage, and outline the work being performed. Pepco’s construction contractor was also responsible for procuring any occupancy permits for work within Washington, D.C. We proactively sought efficiencies through the combined submission of multiple sites at the same time to save on permit preparation and submission costs where allowable by jurisdiction.

Protection Settings Design

Our team provided protection settings files for the automated protective device on the same feeder as proposed reclosers and a memo in the Pepco standard format outlining the protection settings. Fault information was taken from the Aspen model and used to design a coordinated protection scheme for the feeder. We also provided firewall configuration files for each new recloser being installed.

GWD & WMIS Work Package

We provided a design for each recloser location, which in some cases extended to neighboring poles if they need to be altered or replaced to meet Pepco design specs. Work package preparation included making updates in GWD, completing line work requests and telecom work requests in WMIS. Our team was responsible for entry of BOM information into WMIS, which includes completing all WMIS tasks through Task 2000 (Design Finalization and Lockdown). We were able to gain access, onboard and be effective in Pepco’s GWD and WMIS while maintaining project schedule.


We understand the importance of supplier diversity and partnered with KDM Engineering Inc. for this work. KDM Engineering is certified through both the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council as a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) and the National Minority Suppliers Development Council as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). KDM Engineering was responsible for completing a portion of the field data collection, design, work package/BOM development, and permitting. Our partnership with KDM Engineering is ongoing.

Case Study

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