LNG Peak Shaving Facilities

We were the engineer-procure-construct (EPC) contractor for two new liquefied natural gas (LNG) peak shaving facilities in southeastern Wisconsin. The greenfield sites each include natural gas pretreatment, liquefaction, an LNG storage tank, vaporization, and LNG truck loading and unloading facilities.

A peak shaving facility allows the owner to store natural gas and release it for use during high-demand periods. During early project development, we supported the initial feasibility study, permitting and siting for each project. This scope included a geotechnical survey, site plans, site selection and pipeline routing. It also included evaluation of vapor dispersion and thermal radiation exclusion zones resulting from the LNG spill scenarios per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 59A standard.

As the EPC contractor, our team developed the technical specifications, evaluations and negotiations for all procurement. Our scope also included the detailed design of all balance-of-plant systems and integration of the pretreatment and liquefaction units and the LNG tank with the rest of the facility.

We also provided the documentation required for review and approval of design and construction by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).

After construction was complete, we commissioned and tested the two LNG peak shaving facilities before delivering them on schedule.


We Energies


Ixonia and LaGrange, Wisconsin




Natural Gas Generation

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Peak Shaving


