Middle-Mile Fiber Build

We delivered a turnkey engineer-procure-construct (EPC) middle-mile fiber build project for Alliant Energy. Part of the utility’s larger smart grid program, the project involved connecting facilities and substations with two 1.25-inch HDPE conduits — about 300 miles in total — underground using plow and horizontal directional drilling methods.

We also installed polymer concrete underground vaults, installed fiber through the conduit, performed splicing for end-of-reel connection and mid-sheath laterals, and performed fiber-optic testing including optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) and optical loss test set (OLTS).

Successful installation across the Wisconsin River involved 1,200 feet of conduit 50 feet below the riverbed through solid formation rock. This required subsurface ground condition investigation through soil sampling, surveying, stakeholder management and inadvertent release management. The team also developed and executed a detailed plan, persevering through unfavorable weather conditions.


Alliant Energy


Iowa and Wisconsin






Fiber-Optic Infrastructure



The use of LTE communication with real-time data collection allowed us to build a dashboard to track construction progress and productivity. Providing transparent visibility into project progress, construction alerts, customer incidents and utility strikes, this live data supported effective collaboration and informed decision-making.

These efficient project management techniques and inclusion of our established local network of suppliers and subcontractors enabled us to deliver the project within budget and ahead of schedule.