New York Energy Solution

Our team was the engineer-procure-construct (EPC) contractor that delivered the New York Energy Solution (NYES) project.

The project included a new 55-mile, double-circuit, 345-kV/115-kV transmission line in existing right-of-way connecting the new 345-kV Knickerbocker Switching Station, the rebuilt 115-kV Churchtown Switching Station, and the existing 345-kV and 115-kV Pleasant Valley substations.

Our scope also included the new 345-kV Van Wagner Capacitor Bank Station, additional remote end work at more than 25 different stations, the replacement of 2 miles of 115-kV transmission line, and reconductoring of an 0.8-mile, double-circuit, 345-kV transmission line. We also performed permitting, compliance, public outreach, engineering, procurement and construction.

Before this EPC contract, our team provided program management services and Article VII application development, including environmental studies and public outreach. We co-developed this project, which was selected by the New York ISO through its competitive FERC Order 1000 Public Policy Transmission Planning process as the most efficient and cost-effective solution. This project has modernized aging infrastructure, stimulated economic development and relieved transmission congestion. It now moves power from upstate renewables to downstate load while supporting the New York energy goal of 50% renewable energy by 2030.


New York Transco LLC


Northeastern U.S.





Electrical Transmission & Distribution

Electrical Transmission

Overhead Transmission




Grid strength for upstate New York.

The NYES reinforces the electric grid in upstate New York to allow for additional wind and solar installations to connect to the electric grid, providing more clean renewable power to New York consumers. The primary challenges to the project:

  • Replacing a double-circuit 115-kV line with a double-circuit 345-kV/115-kV line within the same right-of-way while keeping the structures at a similar height for permitting through a populated area. The project used a unique structure design to allow the new structure height to be similar to the existing structures, allowing permit approvals.
  • Maintaining the reliability of the 115-kV transmission system in the area and avoiding putting the load at risk. A complex outage plan was created to provide multiple 115-kV transmission lines to remain energized into each 115-kV substation while the double-circuit 345-kV/115-kV transmission line was being constructed to prevent putting consumers’ load at risk for each of those substations.

Case Study

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Coordination for schedule success.

Team coordination through multiple changes and supply-chain issues was key to the success. The execution of this project required detailed outage coordination. Our team led coordination efforts with four transmission owners, each with its own requirements. The project was energized six months ahead of schedule after working more than 1.2 million hours without a lost time incident.

Our team also provided overhead transmission line engineering, substation engineering, site civil engineering, project management, procurement, stakeholder management and overall support for the Rock Tavern to Sugarloaf (RTS) Project. The RTS Project included the rebuild of an existing 115-kV Central Hudson Gas & Electric (CHG&E) transmission line, for a total of approximately 12 miles, and rebuilding the CHG&E-owned Sugarloaf Switching Station.