Richland Creek Mitigation Bank

We are establishing the approximately 1,250-acre Richland Creek Mitigation Bank to help restore and rehabilitate perennial, intermittent and ephemeral streams to improve ecosystem health within its watershed and to provide stream mitigation for projects anticipated to have unavoidable impacts to streams.

The Richland Creek site was selected because its high-value hydrology, topography and soils contribute to ecological lift downstream and across the watershed. Enhancement and rehabilitation have been proposed on over 100,000 linear feet of perennial, intermittent and ephemeral streams. This stream mitigation bank will include the restoration, enhancement and protection of 325 acres of riparian area.

The project will transform existing streams, providing healthy flow and stable banks, while preserving high-quality stream reaches. Increased stream functions and values will provide a sustainable mitigation solution supporting regional ecology. The restoration process will take time and performance metrics will track annual functional improvements and guide subsequent credit releases.




Northern Kentucky




Mitigation Banking



Want to learn more?

Proper site selection is integral to regional ecology and to bank success. Learn the details and specific service area for this site.