SS4A Safety Action Plan - Fort Smith

We developed the Safe Fort Smith Safety Action Plan under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program.

The project included a citywide crash assessment, including the creation of a high-injury network (HIN), countermeasure selection and analysis, and project identification and prioritization. The team developed a list of recommended projects and associated cost estimates to inform infrastructure programming.

We also supported an assessment of future grant opportunities and identification of future grant-funded projects. Leveraging this customized content and the successfully completed plan, Fort Smith was able to secure an additional $1.2 million of SS4A grants for supplemental planning and safety demonstration projects within the city.

Our safety analysis, planning and strategic communications teams collaborated on the plan, which integrates GIS infrastructure models with statewide crash data to better understand safety challenges. Demographic and environmental justice data is incorporated to help identify disparities and crash locations that may be eligible for specific funding.

Our team led a robust public engagement program, including a technical advisory group, online surveys, interactive mapping, intercept surveys, small group meetings, a project website and presentations to various organizations.


City of Fort Smith


Fort Smith, Arkansas




Transportation Planning & Policy


