Transmission System Modernization

In late 2013, FirstEnergy expanded its “Energizing the Future” initiative with plans to invest $2.2 billion to upgrade and modernize its transmission system over the next four years.

This investment will benefit the communities it serves by enhancing service reliability across the electric system. Initial construction efforts will focus on upgrading 69-kV and 138-kV transmission power lines and substations in the Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., Toledo Edison and Penn Power areas. These systems link high-voltage transmission lines to FirstEnergy’s distribution network, which delivers electricity to communities, businesses and homes. Much of this work will be done along existing utility rights-of-way, with minimal impact on the environment and surrounding communities.

Our team provides environmental compliance monitors (CM) that represent and work with FirstEnergy staff and construction contractors to promote compliance with permits and local, state and federal regulations and licenses. The CM coordinates with construction to support construction monitoring activities and provides construction contractors with information on monitoring requirements, environmentally sensitive areas or restrictions. In addition, the CM also conducts daily site inspections and assists in the resolution of non-compliance and corrective action when necessary.

Our team works with FirstEnergy managers to address the development, acquisition and implementation of all state licenses, agency permits, and environmental and non-environmental requirements as required by, but not limited to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Ohio Power Siting Board, Environmental Protection Agency, Ohio Department of Transportation, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Protection of Pennsylvania, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission, local and state authorities. Sensitive species reviewed for USFWS concurrence include the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) and the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii).


American Transmission Systems Inc. (ATSI), a FirstEnergy Co.


Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey




Environmental Studies & Permitting

Natural & Cultural Resources

Ecological Studies & Protected Species

Construction & Environmental Monitoring


