Unlock Seamless Connectivity
What We Do
in Telecommunications (ENR 2024)
miles of fiber-optic cable network development
communication tower sites designed and constructed
in Data Centers (ENR 2024)
in Data Center Engineering Firms (BD+C Giants 400 2023)
Advanced technologies are only as strong as the communications infrastructure supporting them.
White Paper
Facing rapid changes in generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, utilities are contemplating how the deployment of private wireless long-term-evolution (PLTE) communications infrastru...
The bipartisan infrastructure act funds expansion and upgrades to the electric grid. Telecommunications are critical to getting the most out of investments.
Rural communities face a stark digital divide. Open access networks bridge the gap between rural and urban access to reliable telecommunication services.
White Paper
As wireless communications has expanded, the demand for spectrum has grown exponentially. The FCC has decided to open a swath of 6 GHz spectrum for unlicensed use. Incumbents with critical licensed co...
Data centers are storing and processing more information than ever. They must be resilient, high-performing, energy-efficient, flexible, scalable and reliable.
Middle-Mile Fiber Build
Intelligrid Program Network Engineering & Systems Integration
Data Center Microgrid
Fiber Acceleration Program
Field Area Network EPC Updates
Insights & News
Burns & McDonnell Named a Top-Performing U.S. Construction Company by Associated Builders …
Enhancing Grid Resilience With FLISR: A Guide
Streamline the Utility Facility Rating Process With FaciliRate
Hyperscale Data Centers and How to Power Them
5 Ways Utilities Are Balancing Investment, Load Growth and Customer Priorities